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The Benefits of Crates and Kennels

The Benefits of Crates and Kennels

For many dog owners, the idea of putting their pup in a kennel or crate can feel like a punishment—but it doesn’t have to be. Dog crates and kennels are essential tools for providing your pet with a safe and comfortable space that they can call their own. But just how important are they? How do you ensure dogs enjoy their time in their own space?


In summary

Dog housing provides many benefits that make them an essential tool for all dog owners. Here are some great reasons why you should consider getting one for your pup:

  • Comfort – It gives your pup a spot to call their own, which can help them feel more secure when you’re away from home or if there are guests visiting. It also serves as a bed for your pup, giving them comfort and safety while they sleep.

  • Safety – I.

  • Training – Crates can be used as part of a training program to teach your dog how to behave in certain situations and encourage good behaviours. Additionally, dogs often don’t want to soil their den-like area so it can help with potty training too!

  • Sanitation – Dogs can often track dirt and mud into the house, but having a crate or kennel helps keep this mess contained in one place so it’s easier to clean up after them.

  • Adaptability – Dog crates and kennels come in various sizes and styles so you can find one that works best for your pup regardless of breed or age. Some crates even offer adjustable walls so you can customize the size as your pet grows


Kennels and Crates?


Whether you have a puppy or an adult dog, a kennel or crate is an important part of providing the very best environment for your pup. But why settle for just any type of kennel when you can invest in luxury dog housing that looks as good as it performs? Let’s explore why every dog owner should consider crate furniture and kennels.

Crates, crate furniture, and kennels are perfect for pups who need to be confined during the day, such as with puppies who haven’t been house trained yet, or adult dogs who may get anxious when left alone. The added bonus is that these crates can provide the very best in comfort and luxury for your pup. They come in multiple styles, sizes and colors so they can match your home’s décor. Plus, many come with free cushioning inside so your pup can relax in comfort while they’re inside their crate from the moment it arrives.
Kennels also provide a safe space where your pup can go if they ever become overwhelmed or too excited while guests are over or while family members are playing. This way, your pup has a safe place to retreat to without feeling like they have been banished from the room. It is also beneficial to use the crate during travel since it allows them to feel more secure in unfamiliar surroundings.
When it comes to keeping your pup safe at home, these crates provide an extra layer of security by keeping curious pups out of off-limit areas until you’re able to be there to supervise them. Some models even come with built-in locks so that you don’t have to worry about them getting out when you’re not around!

Crate furniture and kennels give dog owners the peace of mind that their pup is safely contained while still providing them with all the comforts needed for a cozy rest spot. Not only do these crates look great, but they provide security when traveling or if guests are over and offer pups a safe place away from any stressful situations that may arise during daily life at home. Investing in quality crate furniture will help ensure both safety and comfort for your beloved pup!


Choosing a crate or kennel

When it comes to choosing a dog crate, the size is an important factor that should not be overlooked. You want to make sure that your dog has enough room in the crate to move around and feel comfortable while still providing enough security so they don’t escape. Here are some tips for selecting the perfect sized dog crate for your pup.

Choose for Size They Will Become When Fully Grown

When picking out a dog crate, you should always buy one that is big enough for them when they are fully grown. This will save you from having to replace the crate as your pet grows up or feeling guilty about keeping them in too small of a space. Make sure you measure your pet before purchasing a crate and take into account their breed and expected adult size.

Quality Matters

When selecting a dog crate, consider what materials it is made of and how durable it is. If possible, opt for metal crates with heavier gauge wire because these provide more privacy, ventilation, and security than plastic crates. Metal crates also tend to last longer than plastic ones, so invest in something sturdy if possible. Also think about coatings that can be used on metal crates such as powder coating or chrome plating to help protect against rust and other environmental hazards. 

Crate Covers

Crate covers are another useful accessory that can come in handy when picking out a dog crate. These covers can provide extra privacy and comfort for your pup while also helping reduce barking or other disturbances caused by distractions outside of their crate. Look for covers that are made from breathable fabric which will keep them cooler during hot days but will also keep them warm during cold nights. Make sure the cover fits snugly over the entire crate as well so it doesn’t slip off or become loose over time. 


How to crate train?

Step 1: Introduce Your Dog to the Crate - The first step is introducing your dog to the crate so that they become comfortable being inside it. To do this, start by leaving the door open and placing some of their favorite treats or toys inside. Let them explore the crate at their own pace, without forcing them inside. Once they are comfortable enough to enter the crate on their own, begin closing the door for short periods of time (no more than 10 minutes) while they investigate it. Be sure to give them lots of praise and treats when they enter and exit the crate.
Step 2: Establish Positive Reinforcement - After your dog appears comfortable going into the crate with the door closed, you can begin establishing positive reinforcement by giving them treats while they’re inside it. This will let them know that good things happen when they’re in their crate, and will help reinforce a positive association with it. Gradually increase the amount of time you leave them in there until they’re happy to stay for as long as needed (if you plan on using it for overnight sleeping).
Step 3: Make Crate Time Enjoyable - Lastly, make sure that you make time spent in the crate enjoyable for your pup by providing puzzle toys and chew bones when you leave them alone in there. This will keep them occupied while also reinforcing that being inside is a good thing! If possible, bring out these types of items only when they’re in their crate so that they clearly understand what’s expected of them when they go inside it.
Crate training your dog doesn't have to be an arduous process—with patience and consistent effort, you can use positive reinforcement training methods to help teach your pup how to find comfort in their crate! By following these steps outlined above, you should be able to create a safe space where your pup feels secure and has all their needs met while spending time away from home or during nights spent indoors.


Good luck!

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  • John Forester