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Methods - Lure, Shape and Capture

Methods - Lure, Shape and Capture

Dog training involves communication between dog and owner to set boundaries and guide behaviour. A key part of successful training is providing clear leadership and consistent responses. Positive reinforcement means that when the dog performs the desired behaviour (sitting, laying down, staying, coming etc), it will be rewarded with treats, praise, and other forms of positive attention. This is the simplest, easiest, and quickest method to achieve, encourage and/or discourage almost every skill or behaviour you could ever want from your dog.
  • John Forester
  • Tags: blog
Is All Food Equal?

Is All Food Equal?

The food you feed your dog is one of the most important decisions you can make as a pet owner. Not all dog food is created equal, and selecting the right food for your pup is essential to their health and well-being. Understanding different types of dog food, ingredients, and how to select the right foods for your pup will help ensure that they're getting the nutrition they need

  • John Forester
  • Tags: blog
Which Dog Bed Is Best?

Which Dog Bed Is Best?

Dogs are man’s best friend - loyal companions that deserve the best, including a comfy bed to sleep in and a space to call their own. With so many different types of beds on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is right for your pup. This guide will help you find the perfect bed for your furry friend.
  • John Forester
  • Tags: blog
The Benefits of Crates and Kennels

The Benefits of Crates and Kennels

For many dog owners, the idea of putting their pup in a kennel or crate can feel like a punishment—but it doesn’t have to be. Dog crates are essential tools for providing your pet with a safe and comfortable space that they can call their own. But just how important are dog crates? How do you ensure dogs enjoy their crate time?

  • John Forester
  • Tags: blog